Junker Woland

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

Welcome to Junker Woland—the newly named incarnation of a blog I’ve let stagnate in the Internet’s polluted backwaters for well over a year, time I wasted half-heartedly fighting design templates created in all likelihood for people who shouldn’t be given even the slightest opportunity to type their incoherent, mangled thoughts onto the Internet. Sadly, free site hosting is too powerful an impetus when money’s tight and the other option involves paying web storage fees. I begrudgingly limped through many an aborted start with this page, until casting the crippling desire for perfection aside as the dawning reality of effortless procrastination seemed to be a much less attractive concept.

So here we are, draped in lovely crimson, at the inaugural post. But what is Junker Woland, or rather, what do I hope this blog will become?

Maybe it’d be best to begin with a few words on myself: I am a young writer from the puritanly-decadent city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, currently eking out a meager living doing office work at a local University. Gaining compensative entrance to the all but mystically concealed world of words has, to be blunt, been a major pain in my ass since graduating college, and one can only have so many resumes find their final home at the bottom of a New Jersey landfill before turning towards alternate measures for achieving certain goals. As such, I decided to start this page as a means of both galvanizing my creative juices and generating written content under my own name.

But not to worry, I have zero intention of authoring some insipid and whiny online diary; that style of writing has its place, but I find it doesn’t particularly make for compelling content, plus I certainly wouldn’t ask others to endure musings I myself wouldn’t touch.

My intention for Junker Woland is to cover news and add insights on those topics that most dominate my mind during waking hours. Expectant subject matter will consist largely of video games, toys, Japanese pop-culture of the animation, comic book, and music variety, all generously accented with the sweaty-coital moans of random perversity, so please keep your filthy children at home, because they have no place here. Word of books I’m currently tackling might also flirt through these digital salutations; and oh yes, don’t let me forget beer, I promise to talk about my favorite of beverages from time-to-time.

To put it bluntly, I’m a nerd, probably a bit of an elitist one at that, and like all nerds I obsessively collect products and follow certain forms of media. I plan to highlight those things I find most noteworthy and entertaining and present them to you in an interesting, thoughtful manner. I’ll do my best to update frequently and make Junker Woland standout amongst the frothing horde of similar blogs, and I hope you’ll do me the fine pleasure of coming to visit often.



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