Junker Woland

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Still Function – E3 Edition

Sorry for the awful hiatus, but things got quite hectic for a bit. Recently, I found myself involved with what looks to be a short lived side-project that managed to consume more of my free time than had been expected (hints to the nature of said activities can be found on this very page)—a hot-carded VISA, blown circuit box, big family party, and time spent watching Michael Bay defile my childhood with some insipid nonsense that doesn’t deserve to be called a movie also added to my lengthy absence.

But I’m back, just in time to venerate in front of the US video game industry’s yearly alter of broken promises and failed hype, by which I mean E3…or mini-E3 as this year’s revival has so affectionately been termed.

Of course, I’m not actually at E3 (hell, I’m on the other side of the country), so expect a liberal sprinkling of links with accompany jests covering what I deem the major news of the show.

Hit the “Read More…” link for some fun at SONY’s expense.

Here’s something to wet your digital appetites: as you might be aware, yesterday Sony dropped the cost of their 60GB PS3 by $100, then completely nullified the savings by announcing a US release of the up-until-now-Korean exclusive 80GB PS3, listed at their old high-end price of $599.

Now watch Jack Tretton, President of SCEA, defend Sony’s pricing hijinks and the lukewarm reception of their newest piece of gaming hardware on CNBC (this video really should have been titled Bitches don’t know about my 10-year cycle).

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